Best Practices for Hybrid Meetings

Whether we like it or not the future of meetings is hybrid. Hybrid and virtual meetings are no longer considered a new era, but the new normal. But what do meeting organizers need to consider for hosting successful virtual and hybrid meetings?

In this month’s webinar, we’re focusing on the hybrid and virtual meetings best practices to help you achieve the success you’re looking for. Some of the topics we will discuss include:

  • What do virtual attendees most want in a hybrid meeting: How can the analysis of attendees’ behavior help you hold down the costs for the virtual component of your hybrid meeting.
  • How hybrid can be delivered on one platform to reduce production costs and provide one login and point-of-contact for attendees and contributors. This is key in reducing both costs and participant confusion.
  • GDPR-compliant networking where attendees can specify how they want to connect with options for group lounges and ad hoc 1-to-1 video chat. Learn about our methods for letting your attendees and speakers interact with colleagues without violating governmental privacy policies.
  • Self-serve exhibitor tools & flexible sponsor opportunities with access to stats that give exhibitors control while reducing set-up time for meeting staff. These tools will encourage exhibitors to participate in the virtual part of your meeting with the potential of providing lead generation and unprecedented insight into the interests of virtual booth visitors.

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