Your needs are unique. Our solutions are too.


STEM Associations are world-changing organizations, and we’ve been passionate about serving their needs for more than 40 years. We know that planning a meeting is stressful and using complex or multiple meeting platforms only makes it harder.

PCOs & Meeting Planners

As a PCO or meeting planner, you play a vital role in the life of associations. You know that it can be a challenge to provide dedicated professional and personalized support for multiple conferences of different sizes and in different specialties. It demands a flexible, end-to-end conference platform your staff can easily use.

AV & Venues

You have the latest AV technologies and the expertise to host successful virtual, hybrid, and on-site meetings.

We have long-term experience, a reliable presentation and ePoster management system for on-site meetings, and a robust integrated events platform for virtual and hybrid events.


With the vast amount of medical research and development being conducted, managing the continuing education of healthcare professionals can be daunting– or not, if you chose the right platform.

Our clients include

How can we help you achieve your goals?

Tell us more about your events and needs.

Contact Details

Reach out to us in the nearest office.


500 North Michigan Avenue,
Suite 800 Chicago, IL 60611, USA


Nußdorfer Strasse 20/22
1090 Vienna, Austria

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